Orbits IT

Meet Omair, a Member of the First Line Support Team

Omair is nothing short of a hardworking and helpful member of the team here at Orbits. He’s always happy to help colleagues and clients to solve any issues or questions they may have. Even if he may be unsure on the answer right away, he will make an effort to research the solution to improve his own knowledge to be able to give an answer or provide a solution even quicker if it were to arise again.

Omair enjoys working on any tickets and projects that are passed to him and will always help colleagues where he can.

To get to know Omair more he was asked some questions:

What is your process of solving problems?

When solving any problem I get given I always make sure to document the steps that do and don’t work. This means if a colleague comes across a similar issue it can be solved more efficiently. When solving a problem for the first time I will use all of the resources available to me, like colleagues and online resources, which helps build my own knowledge for the future if any similar problems are seen again.

What is the most common computer issue you receive?

Many of the more common issues that I see in the helpdesk come in patches. For example, when a new Microsoft update is released it will likely bring a wave of related issues at once. However, Outlook and printers seem to bring a steady, constant stream of issues, which likely makes them the most common type of issue we see.

Why do you think its important to build a relationship with clients?

Building a good customer relationship with our clients is important, as it allows trust to be built, as we handle a lot of client data on a daily basis, and to feel more comfortable when calling us. It doesn’t matter if they have a simple question or a complex issue, we reassure them that we are always here to help.

How long have you been working at Orbits IT and how has is changed over time working here?

I have been working at Orbits for 4 years now, and even though I have remained in the same roll, I have seen the company around me change. Cloud-based services have certainly been pushed a lot more, especially since the first lockdown. Also, some background systems have changed so we are better suited to provide better support to new and existing clients.

Service Desk Team Leader, Hollie Xerri, says this about Omair…

Omair has been a great asset to the team for the last 4 years here at Orbits IT, he has been an excellent team player from the start. He’s constantly providing friendly customer service to our clients and ensures that everything is wrapped up before he finishes for the day. He always gives 100% and takes on any challenges put his way. Omair is well known for his very detailed note taking in tickets, which helps the team with future tickets. I am very proud of how far Omair has come over the years and look forward to seeing Omair progress within the company.
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