Multi-Layered Web Threat Protection
Web Umbrella offers a cutting-edge cloud-based security service utilising DNS to protect against malware, data breaches, ransomware, and unauthorised cloud services. In just seconds, it provides a comprehensive view of your global activity, identifies potential attacks, and reports possible infections.
How does it work?
Web Umbrella serves as a secure internet gateway, shielding your business and data from external threats such as spear phishing attacks, malware, and ransomware.
Your organisation uses a system known as DNS (Domain Name System), which translates website domain names into their corresponding IP addresses. If your current DNS is unfiltered, it permits all traffic—whether harmful or benign. Web Umbrella is different; it screens your DNS traffic to prevent malicious activity, neutralise threats, and filter content before it reaches you.
With Web Umbrella, you’ll be protected from both existing and emerging threats, regardless of where your employees are working.