FAQ Page

Your questions answered!

FAQ Page2024-06-04T14:21:03+01:00

Who are Orbits IT?

In short, Orbits IT are an IT Services provider to the SME market of the UK. We have offices in South Wales, the Midlands and South West and service organisations of between 5 and 150 members of staff.

Our unique selling point is based on the relationships we build with our clients, to become the in-house IT team you don’t have. We provide high-quality, proactive support both remotely and on-site. Whether you get in touch with us via a phone call, email or our online customer portal you will always be met with rapid response and resolution times.

Who do you provide IT Support to?

We provide IT Support to over 280 SME’s from charities, public sector organisations and more. To learn more about some of our clients got to our Case Studies page.

Where do you provide support to?

We provide IT services in multiple locations across England and Wales. With offices located near Cardiff, Birmingham and Bristol help is never too far away.

Why are you more expensive than some of the other quotes we have had?

Choosing an IT Support partner isn’t like buying a car. You often don’t get to view it and test drive it before you commit. It’s not always easy to see if the features you were promised are actually delivered. If Orbits IT didn’t deliver everything we promised, we too could quote a lower price – but we do deliver. There is a cost to deliver the service we do, to train our staff to the levels required, to provide the rapid responses and to include the tools and features we do. How do we prove we deliver on our promises? By not tying you in to long term contracts – with most contracts being on 30 day terms in the first 12 months. If we don’t deliver, you walk away. The onus is on us to deliver – constantly.

Why are you cheaper than some of the other quotes we have had?

Orbits IT was built from the ground up to support a specific market in the UK – small business with between 5 and 150 users. By focussing on these organisations and their typical requirements we have been able to create a skills set and stack of services that meet their needs at the right price without the need to have expensive specialist knowledge in large scale enterprise systems or solutions. We deliver the right solution at the right price.

How does the onboarding process work?

Moving IT provider shouldn’t be a scary process, and with Orbits IT it’s easy as can be! With a simple introduction to your previous provider we can manage the whole process from beginning to end. We keep our onboarding process as seamless as possible.

Why is Cybersecurity so important?

The IT landscape is constantly changing; threats are everywhere. Smaller organisations are at just as much risk as larger companies. As your IT provider we ensure you, your data and systems remain safe and secure, whilst assisting clients to achieve the Cyber Essentials standard.

What are your response times?

Communication is a key part of your experience with us; we are available via phone, email and our online customer portal. We ensure our calls and queries are answered as quickly as possible, with an average response time of 0.76 hours per ticket and average resolutions times sitting at less than 2 hours.

Is it a hassle to move IT provider?

Contrary to the perception, moving IT providers is much less hassle than you think. With the right processes in place moving providers is simple. From our hassle free on-boarding process to our brilliant technical team, we minimise disruption to get your IT on-track in no time at all.