Orbits IT


Hello, my name is Sorrel, and I have been a techie all my life; because my dad was, and still is, an IT technician, I have seen and experienced the computing world since I was young, and so I fell in love with it. Now that I have left high school, my experience has allowed me to pursue a career doing something I love, via LMPQ apprenticeships and their Infrastructure Technician course, as well as completing work experience here at OrbitsIT. Although my time at LMPQ has been short so far, it has help me spread my wings out of my awkward cocoon and talk to people, as well as teaching me necessary values in the work place, and I also know that when I do go into an apprenticeship, this will also help me with my people skills, as well as allowing me to pursue and learn hands on with a subject that I love. Currently I have been tasked with setting up a version of Synology called XPenology onto a HP Microserver Gen8 (version 6+), and so my first point of call is to check either stackoverflow or any other troubleshooting site for recommendations on setting this up, or any hiccups people may have encountered along the way, to both familiarise myself with the system and what is involved with putting it onto the server. However, my life is not just centred around computers, as when I’m not stripping PCs or brushing up on my Linux command prompt knowledge, I’m listening to music, working out, and baking cakes (despite me not being much of a cake person…). Like any typical teenager, I, too, like to go to the movies, hang out with friends, and to play video games. I’m looking forward to the next few days at this company, and excited to see what OrbitsIT has to offer, as well as being extremely grateful to be offered this work experience placement.


This is my last day of the work experience, and as such I would like to say how incredibly wonderful my time here has been. On the Friday, I was setting up a NAS on an old HP microserver gen 8, which I then attempted to complete this morning. I got very close to finishing it, however I realised that I had set the VID and PID for my USB stick wrong and that was why I was experiencing such difficulties, as well as a few other factors such as accidentally wiping my USB stick clean. On the Friday, I also got to set up a few machines to be sent off to clients, adding on the operating system, putting the RAT and antivirus onto the systems etc. Today, I did the opposite, and took out the hard drives and RAM from the old machines from clients that needed to be recycled, in order to wipe off the data and keep the RAM for future reference. I have really enjoyed this work experience, as I have always wanted to pursue a career in tech support and this has been a great opportunity for me to get used to it, and it has been everything I was hoping for and more.

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