Orbits IT

Client Authorisation

Working with you to secure your data

Client Authorisation2024-06-07T15:08:47+01:00

Security of your systems and data is a priority at Orbits IT. To ensure we are only accepting authorisation for changes to access and permissions from the correct people we ask you to complete this form.

Please provide the names of key IT contacts and authorisers who you are happy that we should carry out requests for without seeking additional authorisation.

  • NameMobile Number 
  • NameJob TitleEmailContact Number 
    Internal staff with knowledge of the IT Systems
  • NameJob TitleEmailComments 
    • New Users/User Deletions • Change of Permissions (File Access, SharePoint Access, Local Admin Access, Mailbox Access, Email Forwarding) • Remote Access (VPN) • Software Installations Who can authorise the above for your company (If any staff member can then please state this) – If certain staff can only authorise certain requests please list these in the comments section.

Orbits IT is trusted by over 180 organisations of all sizes and from all sectors

Our Password Reset Policy

Our policy for password resets requires an email in from a recognised domain of the organisation (Example.com) before we can reset passwords for security reasons.

We do this to ensure that we have an audit trail of the request.

If you don’t want us to issue the new password to a colleague then the colleague emailing in can confirm a mobile number or alternative email address for the user requesting a password reset.

What is Phishing?

Phishing is a cybercrime in which a target or targets are contacted by email, telephone or text message by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals into providing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, banking and credit card details, and passwords.