Orbits IT supports growth plan with Client Relationship and Business Development Manager appointment

Orbits IT today announces the appointment of Jenny Lewington as Client Relationship and Business Development Manager.

The appointment forms part of Orbits’ five-year growth plan which has already seen the company open a second office and recruit two new analysts to meet the company’s growing demand for first and second line phone support.

Jenny will be responsible for developing Orbit’s new and long-term client relationships. She will work collaboratively with clients to understand requirements and identify how Orbits can provide solutions which meet their needs.

Orbits IT Managing Director, Jim Lewington, says: “We have retained 98% of our clients since our inception in 2010. We believe client retention is the ultimate reflection of satisfaction so as we continue to grow, maintaining this rate is of paramount importance to us.

“Jenny brings a wealth of experience and her appointment is integral to ensuring we meet our growth targets and continue to develop Orbits IT as a trusted provider of IT services and support.”

new recruit

Jenny Lewington – Client Relatoinship and Business Development Manager

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