Windows 10. Could it be Microsoft’s most successful OS yet?

When Windows 10 is released in late 2015 it could, potentially, be the most successful Operating System Microsoft have ever released. For Microsoft’s sake, they had better hope it is!

Several things point to Windows 10 being a success:

  • Tradition! Traditionally Windows releases follow a pattern of Success, Failure, Success, Failure. Right the way back from 1992 you can see the pattern:
  1. Windows 3.11 (1992 – success)
  2. Windows 95 (1995 – Mixed bag, arguably a failure initially)
  3. Windows 98 (1998 – Success)
  4. Windows ME (2000 – Abject failure)
  5. Windows XP (2001- Success)
  6. Windows Vista (2006 – Abject Failure)
  7. Windows 7 (2009 – Success)
  8. Windows 8 (2012 – Arguably a failure)
  9. Windows 10 (2015 ???)
  • Windows 8/8.1 isn’t actually that bad. Yes, Microsoft put many a user off with the radical introduction of the Metro interface and loss of Start button but the underlying OS is fast, reliable and runs well on most hardware. If they can fix the usability issues given to them in the feedback from 8 and and keep the positives then Windows 10 could be almost perfect.
  • Its going to be free! Or it will be free for users upgrading from Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 for the first year at least.

Have a read of our Tech Preview blog post for more information on Windows 10.



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