Orbits IT

Java application blocked after recent update 51? Turns out it’s an easy fix!

Java’s latest security update was released recently and you may find that your Java applications no longer run if you applied the update. You may receive an error similar to:

Do you want to run this application


Application Error

This is because Java blocks applications that are not signed by a trusted authority to make your system less vulnerable to external exploits. This is a great security improvement but does mean that you have to add any Java applications that you use to the safe site list within your Java configuration. Good news is that this is easy to do and it will only take you a couple of minutes…here’s how!

1. Open the Configure Java program from your Start menu.

Java Configuration


2. Click on the Security tab and click the Edit Site List… button.

Java Control Panel

You will now be able to enter the website URL that the Java application that you are trying to use launches from.


3. Click the Add button and enter the website URL before pressing OK to save the changes.

Exception Site List

Exception Site List 2

The website that you entered will now be listed in the Exception Site List in the Java Control Panel

Java Control Panel

There you go, click OK to save the changes and restart your internet browser. You should now be able to launch the application again!

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