Orbits & C.A.R.I.A.D go global!
Several weeks ago Orbits were approached by an organisation called C.A.R.I.A.D (Care and Respect Includes All Dogs – and Cariad is Welsh for Love). They are dedicated to highlighting the issue of Puppy farming in Wales and were planning a 7 Day live event to coincide with National Puppy Awareness Week. Their plan was to create a ‘big brother’ style live streaming event where the world can watch one brave lady be subjected to the same sort of conditions a puppy may suffer at some disreputable puppy farms for 7 days. It was Orbits role to find a suitable method of providing a live 24/7 stream which can be accessed by anyone anywhere in the world. If you have a large budget then this kind of event is easy enough to put together. The trouble is, C.A.R.I.A.D are only a small organisation and whilst there was a budget it would not go far.
Without the money to fund the bandwidth required to stream directly to their website and then on to the viewers, Orbits looked at several options and one of the most promising was using a 3rd party solution called Veetle. You can think of Veetle as a YouTube for live video. After several days of testing both video quality, bandwidth requirements and viewer restrictions it was decided the Veetle was going to do what we need at a cost that was in budget.
And so it was that last week Orbits shipped a laptop and webcam to the top secret location of the event and began onsite testing. The live event began at midday on Saturday 12th of September and the stream has been broadcasting uninterrupted for over 4 days and has been viewed by nearly 7000 viewers and has drawn attention all over the world.
Orbits are managing the stream until midday on Saturday 22nd September at which time the brave subject will return to the normal world having successfully highlighted the issue in an interesting, educational and certainly unique way.
You can view the current stream here: C.A.R.I.A.D Live 7 Days Event
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